Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy


This model code of conduct for Directors & Senior Management personnel of QUADRAFORT TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is a commitment to adhere to standards of loyalty, honesty, integrity, and avoidance of conflicting interests. It is an acknowledgment of duties as Directors and Senior Management Personnel and acceptance of responsibility to carry out duties in honest and professional manner and to oversee the assets and business affairs in the best interest and its stakeholders within the scope of authority conferred upon.


This Code sets out how we behave with:

In this Code, “we or us” means our company, our executive directors, officers, employees and those who work with us, as the context may require.


This code of conduct is applicable to:-


The Board members have a duty to make decisions and implement polices in the best interest of the Company and its stakeholders and fulfil their fiduciary obligations.


We are committed to good corporate citizenship. We treat social development activities which benefit the communities in which we operate as an integral part of our business plan.

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